I've Found It by Emmanual G G Yamba
Oh yes this grace
That work couldn’t give
Even if it goes for ages
Emerge with ease
And cease sin greed
My labor couldn’t reach
My sweat reward was in vain
I wondered how my end would be
Then came blood rolling from the cross
And it made my scarlet snow
Just a taste of mercy
Overshadow the life of iniquity
Produce righteousness through grace
And wash away every immorality
Now I’m on the road to glory
The scales escape my eyes
The anointing has broken the yoke
The transgression rod is off my shoulder
My mind stuck on the narrow path
What great joy I now have
Emmanuel G G Yamba is a Liberian who writes from Monrovia, Liberia. He is an undergraduate student in the science college at the University of Liberia. His work has been featured in Agape Reviews, Poetry Soup, Spill Word, and elsewhere.