I Talked to God Today by Marlena Jenkins

Annie Spratt

He replied in sunlight
and by the look in your eyes,
you felt it too.

His wonder to our why,
questions of waiting
and how to be still,
swiftly answered
by his grace, love,
and will.

I talked to God today.
I was reminded that this too shall pass,
to gather moments and place them together
like pieces of stained glass.

You can talk to God today.
He may reply with sunlight
or tears in your eyes,
either will shine.

He will meet you wherever you’re at,
no greater promise or love than that.

Marlena Jenkins enjoys writing short stories along with poetry, in hopes of sharing the wonder and beauty of God, by finding his artistry in every moment. She resides in Nashville, TN, inspired by nature, the view of life from between equine ears, and the way God will meet us wherever we are within our individual stories.


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