He Will Be There by Adrian David

And He said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Exodus 33:14

God will be there,
no matter what.
Through His word,
His spirit,
His works,
He will be there.

When your scars are many
and your eyes brim with tears,
He will make you reap in joy.

Times will change for the worst,
storms may rage,
still, He will never change.

Though you are desperately lost
with no chance of finding your way alone,
He will redeem you with His love.

During your darkest times,
when your soul is downcast,
He will guide you to the light.

Everyone you want the most
may leave you at your lowest,
but He will never forsake you.

The future may seem bleak
and hope may be nowhere in sight,
yet, He will give you peace.

If you are shackled by sin,
and death looms above,
He will save you by His everlasting grace.

He will be there.
For you.
With you.
In you.
He will always be there.

Adrian David writes ads by day and poems by night. His poetry explores themes including faith, love, hope, and everything in between, from the mundane to the sublime.


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