Half Renga by Michael Shoemaker and michael parker
prayers are pink water
lily petals reaching high
skyward blue
serene words, peaceful refuge
spring's heart-to-heart communion
some say prayer is
the Christian's native air
and gasp the words now
"Thy Kingdom come and will be
done," arises from our hearts
"Thy faithfulness is
great," our hymns of praise
stretching out unto Thee
sensing the bright shade of peace
feeling the contours of hope
prayers are oxbow streams
filtering souls--giving
habitat for life
small piece of heaven on earth
and love from the Lord's outreach
Oh Father, Thou hast
heard us on pinnacles and
deep in ferny bogs
on turquoise oceans and seas
in the suburbs and cities
on sweaty bus seats
in distressing interviews
in idle airports
in hectic days, sleepless nights
in humble meditations
in hospitals'
echoing corridors
suing for peace
even in protestations
and our kind affirmations
prayer is a humble
caged sinner's plea
freed to saints' rejoice
the appeal of the beggar,
the depressed, or in despair
pray always
continuance in prayer
pray always
ask, seek, knock: you will receive
find, and it will be opened