God as Glue by Lexi Ragan

“In him all things hold together.” - Colossians 1:17

If God was glue

the vase sitting on the edge
wouldn't be afraid to break
because it would know
from body to base
it would live to be reshaped.

If God was glue

The page in the novel
would know that even if it tore
at the dampness of tears,
the fabric of its paper would
reunite for more reading years.

If God was glue

The glass of the pane
would remember that even
if a rock shattered its frame,
it could wake up to know, refigured,
it would be a window again.

If God was glue

The jewels would rest
on the corner of the desk
knowing they too would
find a place to be embellished,
even if a few, in the chaos of making,
happened to fall off the edge.
Since God is glue,

broken days begin to breathe whole.
He seals pieces past shatters,
mending what falls into fragments —
the fixing agent because of his stick,
a most permanent gift.

I was the vase practically empty,
the page scribbled with scars,
the window fragile and cracking,
the gem with deep scratches…

until God glued me back together.
In love, I live shatterproof.

Alexis Ragan is a creative writer who delights in serving as a literary vessel for Christ’s light to dwell. She is convinced that art serves as a powerful instrument of worship that ultimately helps lead humanity back to God’s heart. As a seasoned ESL instructor who is passionate about global missions, she one day plans to blend her love for writing and teaching for the sake of the great commission.


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