Goals by Gina O'Steen

Relationship Goals. Fitness Goals. Career Goals. What are most of these lacking?

Photos by Lina Gordievsky

A relationship can make you feel disappointed, or it can brighten your day. Fitness goals are great, but confidence does not come from a number on a scale. If that were the case, anyone with a perfect body size would be satisfied with life. On top of that, having a successful career is a blessing, but changes when pandemics happen unexpectedly, leaving us feeling our college years were wasted. 

Now that I am a senior in college, I realize that many people, including myself, tend to base identity on instability. Yet, we seek stability and consistent love as human beings. Why would we knowingly put all our value on something that we know will not last?

It is easy to put value in something that we can see: great-looking partner, abs, and a degree framed on our wall. But in my short time on earth, I can say with confidence that I have never heard a married couple say that they stayed together because of how attractive their partner was, how much they exercised, or because of their job title.

If the top goals on our radar do not satisfy us, friends, don’t you think it’s time to change?

I have realized that the goals worth setting are the unseen ones.

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7

Who we become begins from what happens within.

A flower does not start growing from above the ground.

The seed has to be planted beneath the soil and taken care of with light and water to see a peek of above-ground life. But, of course, God wants us to have more than a peek at life. For that to happen, we have to accept his help through grace and have faith goals. Then we will see those faithful habits produce good fruit in our relationship, health, and career.

When I am writing this, I have to exercise faith and trust that God will provide the finances for me to pay my tuition next semester. However, I also have to do my part and do my best at work. I mention this because, as believers, we should encourage ourselves in what we are doing right, but we should continue to nurture and water the area we need growth in. Right now, for me, that is my mind. I have struggled with doubt and insecurity for years, and I believe that I will be set free this year. It is not always easy to trust God, but it wasn’t easy for Jesus to carry the cross either and choose to obey His Heavenly Father's sacred plan. For you, a faith goal may be growing in patience during traffic, loving people instead of judging them, or spending less time on your phone and more time in your Bible. Your goal does not have to be yearlong, but I pray that you put your all into it regardless of the amount of time you spend on it. What you put into something is what you will get out of it. I pray you will have a life filled with blessings in every area of your life; I pray more so that you grow deeper in your unseen life, for that is where all the growth begins.


Coral Peonies Photography by Carolyn V Watson


"Yearning" by John Alexander