Faithful Father by Jennifer Toscano

Oh, faithful Father.
I see you with your arms wide open.
I hear you calling my name.
I see your eyes upon me and a gentle smile on your face.

I wonder how long you've been waiting for me?
Have your eyes grown weary as you searched the horizon?
Did you stand during the dark hours of the night looking for a glimmer of light making its way down the path to you?

There were so many times I turned away and ran from your consuming love.
Times I hid in the darkness, too ashamed to return, but even in the hidden shadows, I heard you calling to me.

I heard your voice carry above the thick blanket of fog, and it gently sang in my ears.
I heard your whisper from miles away, and it traveled past my regrets and mistakes.

I knew without even seeing that you were waiting for me to come home.

And then, one day, my heart told me it was time.
I knew I had no choice but to return to your grace, for everything else around me was withering away. I knew I had wandered far enough, and I could no longer survive on my own.

And as I turned back home, I felt the weight of the chains and shackles that the enemy placed upon me. I felt his shame and heard the names he was calling me, and I didn't know if I could even make it back to you or if you would want me.

But as I sat in the heavy darkness, I felt a spark of hope rise from within my spirit. I remembered your love and the way you sang over me. And as I heard the melody of your song, I gained enough strength to get up and take one step closer to you. One step closer to my home.

Day by day, I made my way back.
I walked down the familiar path that I had left so long ago.

The seasons had changed, but I knew where I could find you.
And as I walked towards home, my heart became refreshed, and my stride increased, and not before long is when I saw you.

It was barely light, but somehow you must have seen me coming. I saw you running through the thick trees and rough terrain.

I saw tears in your eyes as you approached me and the smile that I missed so much.

And when you were close enough, I felt you lift me in your strong arms and twirl me around under the rising sun.

Oh, how you rejoiced over me that day.
You covered me in the finest linens and placed rings on my fingers.
You held me so close and celebrated my arrival.
You called to everyone who would listen, “This is my beloved daughter who has come home.
She was lost, and now she is found. She was dead, but now she is alive once again.”

And I knew at that moment there was no truer love than yours.
No grace quite as rich.
No mercy as great and no other place I would rather be.
Back home with my Father for all of eternity.


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