David the King by Patrick T. Reardon

I sing the psalms of the 

Savior to come and of 

the God who made the 

world in seven days. 

I know my sin. I know 

the emptiness. I get 

glimpses through a break 

in the clouds. I sing and 

I rise with the sounds to 

the clouds, to the sky, to

the heavens, to heaven, to 

God. I praise God because 

what else can I do? I praise 

God out of my blindness. I 

reach, stretch, to touch 

the fabric of his cloak, the 

warp and woof of every thing.

Patrick T. Reardon, a three-time Pushcart Prize nominee, has authored ten books, including the poetry collections Requiem for David (Silver Birch), Darkness on the Face of the Deep (Kelsay) and The Lost Tribes (Grey Book). Forthcoming is his memoir in prose poems Puddin’: The Autobiography of a Baby (Third World).  His website is patricktreardon.com.


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