Connecting Us by Alaina Coote

Alaina Coote

My work is rooted in my life experiences and cultural heritage. My family’s Irish traditions and lineage serve as the inspiration for my artist book, Connecting Us. I have a fascination with the found objects and family photos that have been passed on through my family; these items are used as source material for the pages of this book. The layering of objects and photographs in my work tells the stories of immigration, ancestry, relationships, and cultural customs. 

Connecting Us is about the subtle yet powerful influence of my memories and shared experiences between my immigrant grandmother and her native homeland of Ireland. The pages reflect upon the exploration of the cultural customs associated with the Irish identity. As I was designing this book I was able to reflect on the details of lives and stories from family members across multiple generations. This body of work reveals the power of place, cultural identity, and ethnic customs that are interlaced in our lives. Connecting Us invites viewers to engage with their own cultural identity and ancestry, encouraging the reawakening of memories, stories, and family history.


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