Book of Roses by Tina Seamon

Sixteen Miles Out Photography

As I entered the room,
I turned to take a look
And thereupon the table
Was a beautiful book.

Laying beside it was a lovely rose,
So supple, delicate, and frail.
Through my window winds,
Oh, so softly blow.
The fragrance filled the air.
I wondered who put it there.

I walked a little closer
To take a better look.
My eyes filled with joy
As I opened the book.

I held the book up high
As I looked at the title.
I smiled and started to cry
Realizing it was my Bible.

There in black and white
Were the Words of God.
His manual given to us
To teach, instruct, and guide.

So softly, I heard Him whisper.
My heart glistened and gleaned.
As I leaned in closer to listen,
His presence was felt but unseen.

Daughter, I love you dearly.
Yes, this is very true.
This is my love letter clearly
Written just for you.

My heart could not contain
The admiration I deeply felt.
His Love will forever remain.
In solace, before Him, I knelt.

Today, God gave me a rose,
A gentle expression of His love
To show how He often bestows
His grace from heaven above.

With gratitude, the Bible I chose.
Word of God speak!
My blessed book of roses,
A true treasure to keep

— Copyright © 2019/ Tina Unsell Seamon

I am a believer in Jesus Christ, a mama to the three amazing boys, a devoted wife, a writer, a poet, an amateur photographer, and a contributing writer for Her View From Home, Radiant Sisters, and The Real Deal of Parenting. It is my daily prayer that God will continue to bless me with the truth of His Words, so that they may become expressions of His goodness. Today, and always may He use me as His instrument to inspire and spread His Love. It is my desire to boldly share the truth of God's Word while unashamedly expressing my heart, always with the hope that others will catch a glimpse of His.


Instagram @tinaunsellseamonwrites


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