A Willful Gift by Michael Colon

The wonderful thing about a gift is that we don’t know what it is before opening it. Is a gift truly a gift if we know what’s under the wrapping? It’s debatable. We typically don’t like too many unknowns in our daily lives. They can lead to potential letdowns and disappointments — because we are not in control. But receiving a gift is the one time when we don’t want to be in control. The anticipation keeps alive a euphoric feeling, especially when we realize the loving intentions of its giver.

Giving With Grace

Regardless of how expensive (or not) the item is, someone cherished you enough to show that kind of affection. Affection is how we express our love or interests from an internal genuine moral standing with no regard for payback. The impact of that intimate act causes the spirit to glow inside, shining brighter than the object we just unboxed. That light, which can be seen by those who care about us, comes from God. 

A light with the atoms of grace and hope embedded into the photons brings forth a color that can only be classified as love. That sparkle is reflected in our pupils as our essence is set ablaze. 

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

Giving is so much better than receiving. To only receive is to act as a parasite, jumping from one host to the next, bleeding love dry. God gave us the gift of independent thought, otherwise known as free will. That allows us to make whatever changes are needed in our lives. We can choose to love or hate. To do wrong or right. To take action today or tomorrow. This destroys the notions of predetermined destiny, but with this gift comes a responsibility. Sure that line may sound like a cliche we heard in heroic movies, but it’s true.

Free Will

The idea of free will doesn’t mean the world revolves around you or me. Everything that happens in our lives is a consequence of deliberate or unconscious choices. That may sound overwhelming, but understanding and accepting this is the most important action we can take to cherish this life with the Lord. If every move we made were puppeted by God, that would contradict the gift He gave us as His children, as well as go against His established will. The parent analogy is used quite often because we cannot fathom the higher motives of a being before and after time. If you have a child, you will always watch over them, but you will never attach strings to them, forcing them to live a life you want and not what they were truly meant to be. That will lead them to have lives filled with regrets, prejudice, or selfishness. That would make us horrendous parents. 

"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather serve one another humbly in love." Galatians 5:13

Instead, we should always be there to love and guide our children in their choices while allowing them to discover life for themselves. When we allow our spirit and mind to unite, our comprehensive ability to understand what may sound complicated exponentially increases. This is our inheritance. Showcase it with love. Please don’t waste it for immoral reasons. That would cause harm to ourselves. As entangled as life may seem, causing knots in our stomachs, the power of choice unravels the unknowns that the gift of free will grants us. As I mentioned, there is a part of us that appreciates the unknown, especially when we anticipate blessings.

Blessed Are We

We are in a continuous and perpetual growth process and can develop as far as we choose. No matter how tough the journey gets, we are so privileged to have the ability to make mistakes and learn from them. Life would be like an empty shell if we couldn’t have any growing pains. We must love the process of struggling to find the gems and silver linings as blessings to grow in this life. Our armor should have the merits of those diamonds; we had to battle with God by our side to showcase victory over the enemy.

“Praise be to God who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ." Ephesians 1:3

In a perfect world, there would be no struggle or pain. And I’m not saying we should look for it, but we must expect it. Love and pain dance with each other to the song of better compassion and understanding. 

So finish unwrapping the remainder of your gift, and share it with others — for we have the will to do so.


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